
Burning Man 2024 Honoraria Recipient

Clay model concepts originally proposed for honoraria competition

To support this project we don’t need your dollars

We only need your pennies, nickels and dimes.

Here are North America's top animal predators presented in poses similar to the Mount Rushmore carvings of four, famed United States presidents. On our animal carvings we will employ using coins in concrete to create color and the dimensions of fur. The effect has the charm of being tactile plus durable for many to enjoy. 

When the participant first sees this project they likely will see the Mount Rushmore comparison. Mount Rushmore's reputation is an impressive tribute to the U.S. presidents who formed this nation and in being that they are cut from stone only makes their legacy seem indelible. Our substitution with predators should also create that legacy impression. 

The four predators lined in a row are polar bear, gray wolf, mountain lion and grizzly bear. Each is a bust carving that nestle up to each other as the U.S. presidents do on Mount Rushmore. Each animal's fur will be made from coins inserted into a concrete skin sideways to create the effect visually and for touch. The technique is one we have used on previous Burning Man projects. The polar bear's fur will be nickels and dimes, the wolf's nickels and pennies, the mountain lion pennies, nickels and dimes and the grizzly bear made with pennies. 

The mountain that the animals emerge from will be of tan and grey concrete molded look like Mount Rushmore. The mountain will be attached to a 4 inch high steel base.

When the participant first sees this project they likely will see the Mount Rushmore comparison. Mount Rushmore's reputation is an impressive tribute to the U.S. presidents who formed this nation and in being that they are cut from stone only makes their legacy seem indelible. Our substitution with predators should also create that legacy impression. 

What some may feel when seeing animal heads protruding from this it mountain may be compared to taxidermy animal heads mounted on a wall. It's a reminder that the finest and most respected hunters in the animal kingdom are hunted, then put on display. 

Others may move on from that thought when they see the heads made of coins and be reminded that it only takes coins to contribute to wildlife conservation.

Coin placement example on Mr & Mrs Ferguson’s ‘Mum’

Mount Rushmore Memorial in South Dakota by Gutzon and Lincoln Borglum

Our first proposal image for the competition

If you have coins to spare we would love to put your contribution on this installation